Happenings at last week’s Meeting
This week we were a little out-of-sequence and back at the Sailing Club. The reasons were (in no particular order. Ed) for a Special General Meeting to finalise our Club By-Laws update and to induct a new Member.
Charles started the night with the Toast and Invocation. He then welcomed our Inductee, Peter Collins and his guest Penny Ibotson as well as a new guest, invited by Marion, Pauline Porcaro. The finale to this starting speech was to read out the (longish) list of apologies.
Now began the induction piece of the night. Charles read out an inspirational piece about the values of Rotary and it’s worth both locally and internationally.
Charles then called on Peter’s sponsor, Wayne, to present him with his badges. (Based on this effort, I’m not sure Wayne should be in charge of any sharp objects. Ed)
And finally, Peter was presented with his certificate and enthusiastically welcomed as a new Member.
Having completed this pleasant task, Charles now handed the Meeting over to Wayne for the discussion on the By-laws changes.
Wayne introduced the reason for this Special General Meeting on changes to the By-laws and then handed over to Mark to explain those changes and the purpose behind them. As per the Agenda and Notice, which had already been distributed, the changes were discussed, they were proposed by Mark, seconded by Pete and Accepted with no dissent.
While he had the floor, Wayne took the opportunity to raise the subject of Donations In Kind (DIK). Prior to proposing this at the next Board Meeting, he suggested that the Club could be involved in sourcing old “trade” tools which DIK will refurbish and send overseas. The Meeting discussed the idea, and the general feeling was that it was a worthwhile idea.
While on the subject of DIK, Wayne pointed out that a future visit to their facilities was still and option if there were enough interested Members. He proposed a daytime visit on October 11th but this was not met with any enthusiasm, so the idea was dropped. Wayne will now investigate the idea of presenting DIK videos.
It was now time for the Treasurers Report, presented by the Acting Treasurer, Mark. The Reports one topic was that subs are due.
Mark now put on his Foundation Directors hat and announced that a movie would be presented on the 18th October at the Rosebud Theatre. The title is “Thelma” and it would be $20 per head with $8 going towards the Polio fight.
Sergeant Pete now had the Lotto drawn (won by Mike) and conducted the Fines session. One of the most lucrative fines was for Club Anniversaries.
Now it was over to Directors Reports.
Chris gave an update on the Market preparations for the re-start on the long weekend:
- The Market layout and promotions have been re-vamped with the idea of making the Market more visible on the day;
- Volunteers are required to assist in cleaning out the trailer shed;
- The Market will have coverage on the radio; and
- There will be Rotary promotional banners throughout the sire.
Marion now asked for the Club to support a proposal for an Open Gardens scheme. The plan is for two gardens to be opened to the public on Sunday the 17th November this year. The Members were enthusiastic about the idea. It will require some further organisation and a team of about 8 volunteers for ticket sales and parking. Advertising will be done through the Open Gardens website.
Ross now spoke about future Guest Speakers he is sourcing, including the Red Hill Consolidated School Principal next week and someone from the Dolphin Research Institute in the future.
Chris popped up again to announce a Bunnings BBQ on the 19th October, so be prepared to volunteer.
After a full and pleasant evening, the Meeting finished at 8:00.