Happenings at last week’s Meeting
As usual once the Meeting was called to order (not always an easy task. Ed), President Mike began with the Toast and Invocation and then welcomed our Special Guests. This week we had Jeremy Maxwell from the Southern Peninsular Community Centre and one of his new team members, Kera plus a visitor from Launceston, Wayne Higgs.
The President was also handling the role of Chair and read out this week’s apologies before inviting Jeremy to address the Meeting.
Jeremy introduced Kera to the Club and then pointed out that all he really wanted to do was to say thanks for the Clubs continued contributions to SPCC and bring us up to date on recent developments. He pointed out that since his arrival at SPCC some 5 years ago, Dromana Rotary had contributed upward of $29,000 to the Centre. This level of support was much appreciated and is part of a steady increase in fundings that the Centre receives. However, this support is also being outpaced by the demand that the Centre is trying to satisfy.
Jeremy provided examples of the increase in demand that the Centre is faced with:
- Food and supplies being purchased has increased by 70% year on year;
- There has been a 30% increase in people accessing the Centre in the first 9 month of the fiscal year;
- There has been a 20% increase in rough sleepers;
- New people accessing the Centre are told to concentrate on their rent and then come to the Centre, because loss of accommodation is a critical step; and
- Mental health issues are increasing in complexity.
Having said all that, Jeremy feels that they have more positive outcomes than negative. The Centre is only able to do the things it does with the help and support of organisations like our Club.
Mick now gave the Presidents Report:
- A recent Cluster meeting discussed the Housing Initiative as well as the amalgamation of the District;
- Peninsular Clubs in particular are very active; and
- Regionalisation was also discussed.
As Chair, Mick now read out the list of Member anniversaries.
It was now time for the Secretary/Treasurers Report.
Mark announced:
- There had been a Board Meeting in the previous day;
- Modifications to the By-laws will be presented, and voted on, at the General Meeting on the 19th June;
- The election of the Future President (25/26) will be held on the 19th June;
- Venues for dinner meetings was discussed;
- Handover Night is on the 26th June;
- Next Board Meeting is 7th May;
- The handover to the incoming Board will be on the 19th June;
- The next Club Meeting (Committees) will be held at the Jetty Road Brewery;
- The Club has made further donations for the Emergency Housing Project; and
- The Club will be purchasing a new laptop which will more technically up to date and capable of supporting Zoom.
The Chair called for Directors Reports and was greeted with silence.
It was announced that, even though Charles has absconded with the Club “utensils”, we will still run a Fines session. (Charles is in Fiji but I doubt he has the gong with him??? Ed)
Murray ran a fine Fines session (Alliteration? Ed) and accumulated quite some cash. Then Lyn dobbed herself in for losing a lens from her new glasses. (Obviously Murray had got us into such a generous mood that we were nominating ourselves for Fines. Ed)
As the Meeting was speeding along, and the Bulletin Editor had failed to update the Person Behind the Badge, the Chair asked for any volunteers. Our Rotary Guest Wayne Higgs put up his hand and stepped to the Lectern.
Wayne gave us a thumbnail sketch of his life so far:
- He and his wife have only recently moved from Launceston to Safety Beach;
- He became a Capenter after leaving School;
- He remained self-employed until the last 10 years before retirement when he joined the Master Builders;
- He believes that any Club needs social activities as well as the formal side of Club life; and
- He is bad at being in responsible Positions but is more than happy to join in on any working bees.
The Club gave Wayne a round of applause for an entertaining talk and hoped to see him return.
Mick finished up with a joke and the Meeting ended at 8:00.