Happenings at last week’s Meeting
With President Mick being absent this week, Rob took the Meeting as Acting President. This weeks Chair was Geoff who, after the Toast and Invocation, called for the Secretary/Treasurer Report.
Mark announced:
- A reminder that the meeting on the 21st will be deciding on only one question (see below);
- The Board minutes are posted on Clubrunner;
- A visit to the Salvos is planned for presentation of monies raised;
- The 26th June is earmarked for the next Handover Dinner. An organising committee has been formed and DG Linda Humphries will be our special Guest;
- Next years Board Members have been appointed;
- Presently there is no nominee for President in 25/26; and
- We will be collaborating with the Mt Martha Rotary Club on the distribution of funds from the Bentons Square spinner.
Geoff called for Directors Reports. (and was greeted with the sound of crickets. Ed) He then called for any Members reports/statements.
Merv reported that he would need someone to tow the Trailer after the Market. A volunteer was forthcoming.
Tony spoke on the value, to the Club, of the organisation provided by the creation of Procedures and Checklists. We need to keep them simple and straightforward (KISS) but capturing that knowledge will be invaluable. He also pointed out that he will be unavailable for the next three meetings, and the Market.
As a Member, Mark reported that he will miss the next Market. He also pointed out that the Paul Harris Awards Board (on display) is now up to date but is running out of space, as has the Presidents Board.
Geoff flipped the normal Meeting sequence and now read out the apologies. He then called for the Lotto draw, which was won by Merv. Murray conducted a lively Fines session, with particular emphasis on Tony for some reason. (Emptied his wallet though. Ed)
Chris now reported that the Market will be short of volunteers, but a few hands went up. He also announced the next Bunnings BBQ for Sunday 24th March and the March Market to be held on 30th March.
Rob spoke on the promotion of Rotary by the Rotary Wheel. The Club has to sell the Wheel for its image as well as the symbolism behind it. (The Rotary wheel is also referred to as "The Mark of Excellence".) In this way it will lead to increased Membership.
Greg cited an occasion where Rotary saw a problem and set about fixing it. On a tour of the slums of Mumbai it was noted how blighted the lives were, especially the women, by the lack of toilets. Rotary helped find a solution to this problem. The problem there is that nobody outside of Rotary knows what Rotary can, and does, do.
Adrian cited the School of St. Jude in Tanzania which has been supported by Rotary for over 22 years. There are now over 1,800 students benefiting from the Rotary involvement.
Charles read out a brief synopsis of the history of the Wheel, and someone with a big mouth said we should regard it as our logo. (Guess who? Ed)
Geoff thanked everyone for their contributions and the Meeting ended at 8:00.
Special General Meeting
Notice is given of a Special General Meeting to be held at the Safety Beach Sailing Club on Wednesday 21 February at 6.30pm.
The meeting is restricted to dealing with one item only & that is item 11 (b) of the Annual General Meeting of 22 November 2023 (attached). This motion, that was successfully carried was,
‘that this meeting directs the Club Board to keep the current weekly meeting format but gives the Club Board the flexibility to make alternate meetings a shorter format if required’.
It is expected that a motion will be moved as follows.
‘that this meeting directs the Club Board to keep the current weekly meeting format’.
If so moved debate will follow & amendments are permitted.
Following resolution of this issue the Special General Meeting will be closed & the meeting will revert to a normal dinner meeting format.
Special Shire Citation
A little hard to see, but a recognition of the importance of the Halloween event to the community. It’ll go onto our Web site.