Happenings at last week’s Meeting
This week we returned to the Jetty Road Brewery for our second Committees Meeting. The President welcomed our Guest, Simon Brookes, and then gave a brief rundown of the Meeting’s format, with much of the time being spent in discussion on each Committees area of responsibility. Towards the end of the night each Committee representative/director would give a brief outline of what was discussed, and decided, to the Club.
The Meeting began with the usual Toast and Invocation and then broke up into the various Committees and that had their discussions while dinner was served.
(As our Committees don’t align directly with the 5 Avenues of Service – there are 7 of them – I would appreciate if someone (?) could send me a copy of each Committee’s “brief” so that I could publish them in the Bulleting. And, no, I couldn’t find them on ClubRunner. Ed)
After dinner/discussion each Committee made their report.
International. Future ideas pre-amalgamation:
- Continuing to work on the purchase of malaria nets;
- Will organise a visit to DIK (Donations In Kind) next year;
- In the future, will organise a visit from Disaster Aid Australia and Interplast; and
- Organising the demonstration of the Skyhydrant at the Dromana Secondary College.
Community Service:
- Shire costing for the Bay Trail, especially around Anthonys Nose, are expected in the next weeks; and
- The Tiny Houses Project demonstration site is still under discussion, as well as the mechanics of the hosting issues. There are still and estimated 4 months until completion. The Project has received $48,000 in cash and pledges towards the $70,000+ required.
Foundation. Finalising numbers for the Movie Night.
Club Services. Discussions on establishing information on the Committee’s scope.
Membership and Publicity. Nil discussion on Membership. Discussions centred on the expansion of the Spinners Program. A Spinners Management Plan has been developed and published.
Market and Fundraising:
- The Shire has agreed to a one year trial of the Club closing the Market over the winter months;
- Changing the name of the Market has been discarded as it presents too many contractual hurdles;
- Stall holders have been notified of the winter closedown;
- The September Market must be planned and a new departure in style and content; and
- Future Markets will be on the Last Saturday of the month.
The President thanked everyone for their participation and closed Meeting at 7:50